Unwired Planet v Huawei - UK Supreme Court decision on FRAND Licensing for SEPs

Publication | 11.09.2020

UK Supreme Court decision on FRAND Licensing for SEPs

The UK Supreme Court has handed down a landmark judgment in Unwired Planet v Huawei ([2020] UKSC 37) with significant repercussions in the fields of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) and Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) licensing.

This judgment upholds the UK Courts’ jurisdiction to grant and determine terms of a global FRAND License, as well as providing clarification on the UK Courts’ interpretation of the non-discriminatory limb of FRAND and the allowability of injunctive relief in SEP cases.

Read more here

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the authors Eve O' ConnorRifat CamurdanClemens Tobias Steins, and Mark A.G. Jones.
