Robert Hein von HOFFMANN EITLE

Robert Hein

Dr. rer. pol. Dipl.-Ing. oec. M.Sc. (TUM), European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative Langues DE | EN | FR | ES Équipe Mécanique E-mail chiffré à Robert Hein

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T +49 89 92 40 90

Arabellastraße 30
81925 Munich

Industrial engineer and entrepreneur who thinks inside and outside the box

Robert Hein, who has been working for HOFFMANN EITLE since 2020, is a registered representative before the EPO and before the UPC since 2024. He stands out by his interdisciplinary knowledge, his practical experience, and his solution-oriented mindset, combined with a quick thinking and a grain of pragmatism and creativity.

Robert draws his practical experience from working with renowned engineering and consulting firms as well as from his position as a founder, managing partner, CTO and COO of a high-tech start-up in the field of additive manufacturing, which has filed several patents itself and received several awards and grants for its innovative technology. He therefore also understands in particular the needs and demands of small and medium enterprises.

Robert is fascinated by the interdisciplinarity of intellectual property rights and has a broad range of other interests, reaching from outdoor sports like hiking, biking, tennis, sailing and paragliding to exploring new countries and cultures.


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  • University of Technology Hamburg (Dipl.-Ing. oec. 2008)
  • WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (Dr. rer. pol. 2013)
  • University of Technology München (M.Sc. 2022)
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  • European Patent Attorney 
  • Representative before the Unified Patent Court
Associations professionnelles
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  • epi