面对数字化和颠覆性技术的快速发展,我们必须思维敏捷、与时俱进。专利实践的发展同样十分迅速,这要求我们在工作中不仅要严谨细致,更要高瞻远瞩。我们的电子工程和数字技术执业团队拥有超过 25 名专利律师,能够满足这种高水平的要求。我们秉持热忱态度,具备专业背景,能够在专利事务方面为您提供全面的法律意见,包括生物信息学等高度专业化的跨学科领域。
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney
Georg Siegert
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney 语言 DE | EN | FR 电子工程和数字技术团队 Encrypted E-mail to Georg Siegert
T +49 89 92 40 90
E gsiegert@hoffmanneitle.com
Arabellastraße 30
81925 München
全部专家 电子工程和数字技术团队
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Italian and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Italian and European Patent Attorney, European Design Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. (Physics), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer.nat., M.Sc. (Physics), Italian and European Patent Attorney
Ir. (Electrical Engineering), Belgian and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Ph.D. (Physics), M.Sc. (Natural Sciences), British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), M.Sc., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), Italian and European Patent Attorney
M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr., M.Eng. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), LL.M., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
B.A.I. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
B.Sc. (Physics), British and European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney
Dr., M.Eng. (Electrical Engineering), PgDip, German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney