Übersicht der Leistungen von HOFFMANN EITLE

성공에 이르는 길

HOFFMANN EITLE의 변리사 및 변호사들은 고객의 목표를 달성하기 위해 기술적,  법률적 전문 지식을 한데 모아 하나의 팀으로 활동합니다. 다국적 배경을 지닌 당소의 변리사 및 변호사들은 IP 보호의 복잡성만큼이나 수준 높은 아시아, 미국 및 유럽 글로벌 플레이어의 요구에 능숙하게 대응합니다. HOFFMANN EITLE 는 문화적 배경 및 전문적 연계를 활용하여 지식 재산권 법의 모든 영역에서 고객의 이익을 전문적으로 대리합니다.

특허 및 실용신안

Übersicht aller Leistungen von HOFFMANN EITLE

Inventions are rough diamonds that can only achieve their true value through professional polishing. Our diverse and excellent international team for Patents and Utility Models has the perfect attorney for your every need.


추가 보호 증명(SPC)

Leistungsbereich ergänzende Schutzzertifikate

The national and European case law regarding Supplementary Protection Certificates is highly dynamic and subject to constant change. When working with us, you will find a partner who is always on the ball and up to date.


직무 발명법

Leistungsbereich Arbeitnehmerfindungsrecht

Employee inventions in Germany are subject to strict legal regulations with many hurdles. Coming from a wide range of fields, our experts support both employees and employers in developing customised solution strategies.



Leistungsbereich Markenrecht

We achieve value-added protection for your unique selling propositions (USPs). In addition to coordinating your strategies in Europe, our international team can also support your trademarks worldwide.


디자인 보호법

Leistungsbereich Designrecht

Good design is valuable and often copied or imitated without justification. We protect the external design of your products using all means available, from competition law to designs and 3D trademarks.



Leistungsbereich Wettebewerbsrecht

When advertising promises are put to the test or products are imitated, our attorneys can provide you with the best possible advice thanks to their extensive technical, scientific and legal expertise.


IP 계약

Leistungsbereich Lizenz- und Vertragsrecht

Our experience in negotiation management as well as in the exploitation and enforcement of intellectual property rights comes into play when negotiating and drafting licence and R&D agreements.



Leistungsbereich Mediation

We help our clients develop the constructive and de-escalating strategies required for cooperative negotiation and mediation and guide them through this procedure, making optimal use of its potential to promote their business interests.



Leistungsbereich Streitigkeiten

Our seasoned attorneys-at-law join forces with our technically skilled patent attorneys to make sense of even complicated facts, which they then use to develop strong arguments.


고객 비즈니스 서비스

사무소 브로슈어 다운로드


Leistungsbereich Wettebewerbsrecht