Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney

Georg Siegert
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney 言語 DE | EN | FR 電気工学・デジタル技術チーム Encrypted E-mail to Georg Siegert
T +49 89 92 40 90
E gsiegert@hoffmanneitle.com
Arabellastraße 30
81925 München
電気工学・デジタル技術チーム 弁理士・弁護士一 覧
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Italian and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Italian and European Patent Attorney, European Design Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. (Physics), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer.nat., M.Sc. (Physics), Italian and European Patent Attorney
Ir. (Electrical Engineering), Belgian and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Ph.D. (Physics), M.Sc. (Natural Sciences), British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), M.Sc., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), Italian and European Patent Attorney
MEng (Electrical and Information Engineering), MA, European Patent Attorney
M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr., M.Eng. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), LL.M., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
B.A.I. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
B.Sc. (Physics), British and European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat. Physics, German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney
Dr., M.Eng. (Electrical Engineering), PgDip, German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative