Équipe Électrotechnique et technologies numériques
Au service du progrès
Face à la numérisation et à la croissance effrénée des technologies de rupture, il est essentiel de réagir rapidement et de se tenir au courant des dernières innovations. Parallèlement à cette évolution, le développement non moins rapide des pratiques liées aux brevets exige précision, esprit de synthèse et anticipation. Forte de plus de 25 conseils en brevets, notre équipe spécialisée dans l’électrotechnique et les technologies numériques est en mesure de répondre à ces exigences. Notre passion et notre savoir-faire vous permettent de bénéficier de conseils approfondis sur toutes vos questions en matière de brevets, y compris dans les domaines hautement spécialisés et interdisciplinaires tels que la bio-informatique.
Nos experts
Nos interlocuteurs
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney

Georg Siegert
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney Langues DE | EN | FR Équipe Électrotechnique et technologies numériques E-mail chiffré à Georg Siegert
Plus d’informationsContact
T +49 89 92 40 90
E gsiegert@hoffmanneitle.com
Arabellastraße 30
81925 Munich
Tous les experts Équipe Électrotechnique et technologies numériques
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Italian and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Italian and European Patent Attorney, European Design Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. (Physics), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer.nat., M.Sc. (Physics), Italian and European Patent Attorney
Ingénieur civil électricien, conseil en brevets belges, mandataire en brevets européens
Ph.D. (Physics), M.Sc. (Natural Sciences), British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering), Chinese Patent Attorney
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), M.Sc., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), Italian and European Patent Attorney
MEng (Electrical and Information Engineering), MA, European Patent Attorney
M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr., M.Eng. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), LL.M., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
B.A.I. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
B.Sc. (Physics), British and European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat. Physics, German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney
Dr., M.Eng. (Electrical Engineering), PgDip, German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative