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Our Contact Persons
B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), MIEI, British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative

Christopher Furlong
B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), MIEI, British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative 언어 EN | DE 기계공학 Encrypted E-mail to Christopher Furlong
추가 정보연락처
T +49 89 92 40 90
E cfurlong@hoffmanneitle.com
Arabellastraße 30
81925 München
전체 구성원 기계공학
Dipl.-Ing. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Physics), M.Sc., LL.M., French and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
D.Phil. (Materials), M.Eng. (Aerospace Materials), British Trade Mark Attorney
M. Sc. (Energy Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Ph.D. Chem., M.Sc., British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), MIEI, British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, European Design Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. pol. Dipl.-Ing. oec. M.Sc. (TUM), European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Ph.D. (Engineering), M.Sc. (TUM), German and European Patent Attorney
M.Sc. (Process Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.A. (Metallurgy and the Science of Materials), British and European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Dr.-Ing., M.Sc. (Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M. Eng. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), British and European Patent Attorney
LL.M., D.Phil., M.Eng., German and European Patent Attorney, Mediator, UPC Representative
Ph.D., Dipl.-Ing. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.Eng. (Mechanical Engineering), French and European Patent Attorney
B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering), M.Sc. (Aeronautical Engineering), European Patent Attorney
M.A./M.Eng. (Mechanical Engineering), British and European Patent Attorney
Dipl.-Ing. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Ph.D. (Biophysics), B.A./M.Sci. (Physics), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney
Ph.D. (Physics), Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dr.-Ing. (Chemical Engineering), Dipl.-Ing. (Production Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Ph.D., M.Sc. (Material Science), Dutch and European Patent Attorney
Ph.D. (Materials Science), M.Phys (Physics), British and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Dipl.-Ing. Univ. (Mechanical Engineering), German and European Patent Attorney
Dipl.-Phys., German and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
Ph.D. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics), German, Dutch and European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
M.Sc. (Aerospace Engineering), Italian and European Patent Attorney, European Design Attorney, UPC Representative
B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering), M.Sc. (Automotive Engineering), European Patent Attorney