HOFFMANN EITLE has established a firm-wide environmental group that strives to determine the footprint we have on our environment and to minimise it. One of our core values is "belonging" - we are part of this world, and we want to do our best to preserve it.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
HOFFMANN EITLE commits to reduce scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2022 base year. These targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Both our Munich and London offices run on 100% green electricity, reducing our carbon footprint. We have also introduced flexible working models which includes the possibility for remote work for all employees as a standard, reducing emissions from commuting.
Sustainable infrastructure
A big part of the environmental footprint we all have results from the buildings we live and work in. Our Munich office space was built according to the DGNB platinum standard for sustainable office and administration buildings. This certification provides a holistic assessment over the whole life cycle of the building, covering ecological, economical and sociocultural aspects.
Waste separation and recycling
HOFFMANN EITLE has switched to paper-free processing wherever possible. For the printing that remains necessary, we are part of the Konica Minolta Clean Planet Programme. This ensures that our printer ink and cartridges are recycled.
Additionally, waste separation schemes have been introduced in both our Munich and London offices. Even the shredded paper from our confidential documents is recycled by our partner Shred-it.
City bees
The company-wide environmental group has set up a beehive community on the roof of the Hoffmann Eitle office building with the help of Stadtbienen - Gib Bienen ein Zuhause in 2024 as part of our commitment to sustainability and supporting the local ecosystem.
These new “employees” of Hoffmann Eitle will promote biodiversity and contribute to the pollination of plants in our environment.
Our objective is to further reduce our energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, consumption of natural resources and waste across all our offices. We will continue to monitor our footprint and identify and enact ways to minimise our environmental impact where possible.